Research for Business

Building relationships, partnerships and trust between industry and academia is a focus point for SISSA. 

SISSA Valorisation and Innovation Office is always keen to meet and listen to industry representatives and entrepreneurs who have specific technical problems to be solved or seek new business opportunities through R&D collaboration

The Valorisation and Innovation Office is keen to present to Companies the different types of collaboration available with our laboratories "Research for Business" as well as to provide information on "Technologies and Know-How" which SISSA can offer Companies for increase theri competitive advantage on their markets. 

Research for Business

As a world-renowned centre for research, SISSA can help your Company achieve competitive advantage through knowledge and innovation. Valorisation and Innovation Office supports Companies from all industry sectors providing access to the extensive knowledge, skills and resources at SISSA. 

By facilitating access to appropriate areas of research expertise, SISSA Valorisation and Innovation Office offers the means to transfrom ideas into creative solutions, improved performance, new technologies , applications, products or skills. 

Some of the research and consultancy solutions we offer: 

  • Research Contracts - From straightforward testing and analysis to large-scale, ground-breaking projects, SISSA provides exclusive research services to clients on a commercial basis. 
  • Collaborative research - Work with us to define, joint-fund and undertake place setting research programmes. 
  • Consultancy - Consult our academics or academic teams and get the specialist information and advice you need, or commission them exclusivelu to carry out short studies. 

IP diagnosis for Italian SMEs and start-ups

SISSA's Valorisation and Innovation Office, in collaboration with MISE and UIBM, offers all Italian SMEs and start-ups a free service to diagnose their Industrial Property portfolio following the collection of information through a short questionnaire, addressing topics of knowledge, protecion, management and valorisation of property titles. For more info, please visit this page: