Tenders for the enhancement of patents, trademarks and designs reopened: 38 million euros allocated

The Italian Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico informs that the new tenders for the year 2021 have been opened. The new measures Brevetti+, Disegni+ e Marchi+ are promoted by the Direzione Generale per la Tutela della proprietà industriale – Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi. 

Grant applications can be submitted starting from

from 28 September 2021 for Brevetti +

from 12 October for Disegni +

from 19 October for Marchi +

38 million euros are available for the year 2021, of which 23 million for Brevetti +, 12 million euros for Disegni + and 3 million euros for Marchi +

The complete versions of the three calls can be downloaded below

Brevetti + 

