JoTTO Fair 2019, one day meeting event between the research activities and the business world

JoTTO Fair 2019 is a meeting event matching research and industrial world, both with small pitch and one2one meeting

It will take place in Lucca on May 10th 2019, orgnize by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore, the Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, IUSS Pavia


During the event it will be possible to share the results of your research, toghether with knoledge and technology, by presenting a pitch to a special audiance composed by Companies, industrail and businesses stakeholders 

In the afternoon will take place one to one meetings beetween researchers and business world, with the purpose of creating collaborations and joint projects.


Please note that if you are interested in participation the registration is open until 29 April.

In this case please contact, we will be happy to give you some important suggestions for your participation or simply further information.