
Bernardo Nobile Prize 2021: dedicated to doctoral theses that emphasized the use of patents

Area Science Park announces the annual Prize for degree or doctoral theses that have emphasized the use of patents as a source of information.

The Prize includes three awards, one of these is dadicated to PhD these that used patents as a source of information. 

SISSA and Fondazione Pietro Pittini to spur innovation for young graduates

The two-day dedicated to an intensive training programme on innovation and AI within TechBooster programme closed. 
SISSA taked part to this project of Fondazione Pietro Pittini, the new initiative to match university students and business word in FVG Region in order to create innovation in particular in the life sciences sector. 

Tenders for the enhancement of patents, trademarks and designs reopened: 38 million euros allocated

The Italian Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico informs that the new tenders for the year 2021 have been opened. The new measures Brevetti+, Disegni+ e Marchi+ are promoted by the Direzione Generale per la Tutela della proprietà industriale – Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi. 

Grant applications can be submitted starting from

from 28 September 2021 for Brevetti +

from 12 October for Disegni +

from 19 October for Marchi +

Sony Research Award Program 2021

Sony Research Award Program 2021 is intended to foster partnership with university faculty and researchers.  

It will support university research and innovation in 17 European countries*, U.S., Canada and India with awards of up to $150,000 USD per year for each accepted proposal.

TechBooster - innovation in life sciences

The Fondazione Pietro Pittini created a new initiative to match university students and business word in FVG Region in order to create innovation in particular in the life sciences sector. This new project is Tech Booster and include a period of training and stage in bio-high-tech companies. 

SISSA will bring its experience in the field of innovation and in particular of Data Science

Autoimprenditorialità: essere imprenditori oggi

A course on self-employment promoted by Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant'anna di Pisa and Scuola Alti Studi IMT di Lucca.

The course will be in Italian.

Here below the full program.


SISSA is boosting innovation according to EU Innovation Radar

A new technology related to ByAxon was recognized as a high potential and a women-led innovation
